Well, i´m done here in Pomalca. Last night after we reported to the assistants they told us the transfers in our zone.. There are only two, a sister missionary is going to a different area in our same zone, and i´m leaving the zone.. This time they didn´t tell us what our assignment is.. aka i don´t know if this next transfer i´ll be zone leader still, or any other assignation.. So i´m nervous and excited for what i´ll find out tomorrow morning in the transfer meeting! Elder Lobato stays here and will finish his mission in 6 weeks! Elder Cox too, but he´s in Jaen, the jungle zone here in the mission. I feel like i´ll end up in Chiclayo again, because it´s pretty set that i´ll be going as a zone leader, and almost all the zones are in Chiclayo. We´ll see! So today i´ve been packing up my stuff, and now that everything´s in there i realized i can´t find my bank card.. But don´t worry, i took out money a week ago like mom said, but now i have to unpack everything until i can find it! I´ll let you know if i still can´t find it next week. Remember when i thought i lost it in the MTC in lima? haha that was the worst. But yes, i got a CTR ring in spanish. all those little ones mom sent me made me want one :) But i took out a lot because it has a charge every time you withdraw, so i take out a lot at a time to not waste money!
This week we were busy with stuff in the zone! Monday we were at the beach all day, Tuesday we had our zone leader meeting with the president. I played the piano again (now they all know i play the piano, so i´m stuck with it), and ate really greasey chicken and french fries after. wednesday we had our zone meeting then went to the mission office in Chiclayo like we do every week, bought our food, and came back for an hour of looking for people to teach before our movie night as a ward activity. Thursday we didn´t have water, so we had to go shower in the other missionaries´room, and while we were there the assistants called us and told us they´re opening up a new area in our zone for sister missionaries in Tuman, so we had to go look for a room and a pensionista.. there went thursday. Friday we did a work visit with the elders in Chongoyape (an hour and a half away) so i traveled there with my companion and back with elder Chicas (elder girls :) and worked here friday with him. Saturday i went do drop him back off in chongoyape, and Elder Lobato and i had to go to La Cria to borrow a baptismal tunic for a little girl, drop it off in Patapo, then go eat lunch, then go back to Tuman to clean the room for the new sister missionaries! We were in every area in the zone that day except one- pucala. We taught a few lessons saturday afternoon. And in one of them one of our investigators told us he doesn´t believe the book of mormon is true because in the bible it doesn´t say the book of mormon is true.. We spent half an hour explaining to him what the bible is and inviting him to find out if the book of mormon is true for himself, and after all he said he´s just going to keep reading his bible and see if he finds something that tells him the book of mormon is true, or that there´s a prophet today, then he´ll join the church. AHH it was so frustrating, and he´s only 15 years old! The problem is that he has very heavy Jehova´s Witness influences. Sunday we went to church with 6 investigators, had lunch, and went to the hospital in chiclayo to give a blessing to an investigator of ours who has leukemia, and by the time we got back we only had a few hours to teach before sunday night reports. It was a BUSY week. We got a lot done, but not much for our investigators.
This week we were busy with stuff in the zone! Monday we were at the beach all day, Tuesday we had our zone leader meeting with the president. I played the piano again (now they all know i play the piano, so i´m stuck with it), and ate really greasey chicken and french fries after. wednesday we had our zone meeting then went to the mission office in Chiclayo like we do every week, bought our food, and came back for an hour of looking for people to teach before our movie night as a ward activity. Thursday we didn´t have water, so we had to go shower in the other missionaries´room, and while we were there the assistants called us and told us they´re opening up a new area in our zone for sister missionaries in Tuman, so we had to go look for a room and a pensionista.. there went thursday. Friday we did a work visit with the elders in Chongoyape (an hour and a half away) so i traveled there with my companion and back with elder Chicas (elder girls :) and worked here friday with him. Saturday i went do drop him back off in chongoyape, and Elder Lobato and i had to go to La Cria to borrow a baptismal tunic for a little girl, drop it off in Patapo, then go eat lunch, then go back to Tuman to clean the room for the new sister missionaries! We were in every area in the zone that day except one- pucala. We taught a few lessons saturday afternoon. And in one of them one of our investigators told us he doesn´t believe the book of mormon is true because in the bible it doesn´t say the book of mormon is true.. We spent half an hour explaining to him what the bible is and inviting him to find out if the book of mormon is true for himself, and after all he said he´s just going to keep reading his bible and see if he finds something that tells him the book of mormon is true, or that there´s a prophet today, then he´ll join the church. AHH it was so frustrating, and he´s only 15 years old! The problem is that he has very heavy Jehova´s Witness influences. Sunday we went to church with 6 investigators, had lunch, and went to the hospital in chiclayo to give a blessing to an investigator of ours who has leukemia, and by the time we got back we only had a few hours to teach before sunday night reports. It was a BUSY week. We got a lot done, but not much for our investigators.
We have three baptisms coming up in two weeks (we postponed them a week more because this weekend is stake conference), so the new missionary who comes here tomorrow better be grateful :) But i´m excited to go to a new area, it´ll be my fourth in my whole mission!
On sunday i taught the sunday school lesson about testimony, and it was really cool talking about how i got my testimony. I´ve thought a lot about when i first had a testimony, and i could never figure out when i realized everything was true. But lately i´ve come to a conclusion. As a kid i believed everything, and the more i learned the more i felt it was all true. The first time i can recall feeling a testimony for myself by the spirit was when i was about 14 and i prayed to know if Joseph Smith was really a prophet. I felt so strongly that he was, and since then i´ve never wondered if it was true, because i knew by the spirit that he was a prohpet. I had a lot of similar experiences through the years until my mission, but here i´ve felt that same spirit teaching me about all the principles and doctrines i teach. One thing i´ve really gained a testimony of through experience is fasting. I used to hate fasting, but now i love it! I feel so strongly that the church is true. It´s amazing, and there´s no way any man could have made it up.
I love you family!
Elder Hatch
I can´t remember if i already sent this picture of our baptism.. sorry if i did.. but if i didn´t, the four in back are Jesus, Anshy, Shirley and Lesly!
Some pelicans at the beach
A cool picture with a ghetto old tie from mervyns a missionary gave to me!
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